OAL | 505 | BL | - | SL | - | ||
The musket was manufactured at Hammermöllen (Helsingör/Kronborg). |
- |
Plug bayonet
Single edged blade. Iron mount and wood grip. I don't know if the quillons are flint-knappers, which was quite common. Mounted in rings at the barrel side. |
OAL | 583 | BL | 435 | SL | - | ||
Probably manufactured at Berlin arsenal. |
- |
Plug bayonet
Plug bayonet for a dragoon officer. Marked C5 VIVAT CHRISTIANUS on the blade. Double edged blade, diamond section. Iron mount and horn grip. Flint knapper quillons. Leather scabbard with pockets for a knife and a fork (!). |
OAL | - | BL | - | SL | - | ||
Probably manufactured at Suhl. |
- |
Plug bayonet for a dragoon officer.
Marked C5 VIVAT CHRISTIANUS. Double edged blade. Iron mount and wooden grip. |
OAL | 410 | BL | ca 300 | SL | ca 73 | SD | ca 23,5/25 |
Probably Dutch manufacturer. |
- |
Socket bayonet (See "Brittish and Commonwelth Bayonets" #42) Double edged flatblade, hexagobal section. Blade mount with collar. This bayonet has been used in Denmark/Norway, Sweden, USA, Germanic states etc. A very successful export model ! The pictured bayonet has been found in Sweden. |
OAL | - | BL | - | SL | - | SD | - |
- |
- |
Socket bayonet
Triangular blade, socket without collar. |
OAL | - | BL | - | SL | - | SD | - |
- |
- |
Socket bayonet
Triangular blade, socket without collar. |
OAL | ca 600 | BL | ca 470-485 | SL | ca 90 | SD | 23,5/24,5 |
Kronborg, 38,065 rifles were made between 1748 and 1765 |
14-lödigt smoothbore infantry rifle. |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with flat inner side, socket without collar. Approved 22/10 1746. This bayonet exists in many variations, e.g.
OAL | ca 515 | BL | ca 390 | SL | ca 95 | SD | 22,5/23,5 |
- |
16-lödig rifle M 1765 16-lödig (17.5 mm) rifle M 1769 16-lödig rifle M 1774. |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with flat inner side and a guard, socket with collar for locking catch, zigzag slot. There are several variations of this bayonet.(See also M1767-69 dragoon) See Norway M 1765-69-74. |
OAL | ca 450 | BL | ca 325 | SL | 88 | SD | 22/23 |
2,957 dragoon rifle M 1767 was delivered from Kronborgs arms factory 1769-1773. 10,000 dragoon rifle M 1769 was delivered from Kronborgs arms factory. |
14-lödig (18.3 mm) dragoon rifle M 1767 14-lödig (18.3 mm) dragoon rifle M 1769 16-lödig (17.5 mm) dragoon rifle M 1769 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with flat inner side and a guard, socket with collar for locking catch, zigzag slot. Looks like M/1765-69-70 but smaller. |
OAL | ca 540 | BL | ca 430 | SL | 101 | SD | 24/25 |
- |
- |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with two fullers and flat upper side, round shank. |
OAL | 520 | BL | 386 | SL | ca 93 | SD | 22/23 |
Kronborg faktori, 9,400 was manufactured between 1786 and 1789 |
Infanterigevär M 1785 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with a guard, flat inner side. Socket with basal locking ring made of two halves and straight slot. Approved 9/9 1785. Designed by general Huth. This was the first bayonet from Kronborg with a locking ring. |
OAL | 944 | ||||||
3000 newly made muskets was delivered from Kronborg faktory |
16-lödig (17,5 mm) sharp shooters rifle M/1789. |
Ramrod bayonet Approberad 14/3 1789 |
OAL | ca 540 | BL | 397 | SL | 93 | SD | 22/23 |
Kronborg |
Infantry rifle M 1785 and M 1789 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with flat inner side, without guard. Socket with straight slot and locking ring made in two parts. The bayonet has round 'shoulders', no fuller. The first DNK bayonet without the typical guard, that was charteristic for the early DNK bayonets. Locking mechanism designed by general Huth. |
OAL | 710 | BL | 562 | SL | 95 | SD | 22/23 |
10.900 muskets produces at Kronborg factory |
16-lödigt (17,5 mm) smoothbore infantery rifle 1791 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with fullers, without guard. Socket with straight slot and locking ring made in two parts. First long Danish bayonet, C.W.Kyhl was probably involved in the design. Approved 4/6 or 4/7 1791 (Documentation s not consistant) |
OAL | 710 | BL | 565 | SL | 96 | SD | 22/23 |
30.000 muskets produces at Kronborg factory |
16-lödigt (17,5 mm) smoothbore infantery rifle 1794 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with fullers, without guard. Socket with locking mechanism designed by C.W.Kyhl. The rifle is designed by the armourer C.W.Kyhl. Approved 12/7 1794. The first delivery arrived at Copenhagen Armoury 17/1 1797. There is a variation for bayonet fencing. |
OAL | 717/540 | BL | 572/? | SL | 99 | SD | 22,5/? |
Kronborg factory, 10,000 (1801 - 1808) |
16-lödigt (17,5 mm) 'landvern' rifle M 1801 |
Socket bayonet Socket bayonet, triangular blade with flat inner side, socket with zigzag slot and without collar. To cover the needs of weapon for the 'Landvarern' (militia) rifles was put together of existing weapons. Three types of rifles was delivered; two with short bayonets, one with lång bayonets. There are two lengths of the bayonet. Ref: [9] 1984. |
OAL | 760 | BL | 620 | SL | - | SD | - |
Fredriksverk, 10400. |
22-lödigt jaeger rifle, M 1801, M 1803 och M 1807 |
Sword bayonet Rebuilt from hirschfänger M 1788, M 1791, M 1801 or pallasch M 1750 (the later double-edged). Brass handle with grips of twinned brass threads. Leather scabbard with brass mouthpiece and chape. Approved 27/2 1801. In 1801 1,000 bayonets was ordered from Fredriksverk, in 1803 3,500 was ordered and finally in 1810 6,000 was ordered for the Norwegian 'haer'. The bayonet was cancelled 1830. |
OAL | 711 | BL | 385 | SL | 91 | SD | 22,5 |
Kronborg |
Musket M 1803 för Københavns Borgervaebning. |
Socket bayonet
Rifle M 1803 was approved 17/6 1803. 4000 rifles was ordered, but we are not sure how many actually was manufactured. The bayonet looks like M/1794 but with a shorter socket and a 'thinner' locking spring. The wieght is only 0.39 kg compared to 0.53 kg for M 1794. Musket and bayonet is marked K.B.V.N. (Københavns Borger Vaebning Nummer.). Borgervaebning can be translated as 'citizen guard'. Ref [8] 1983 No 7 and 1984 No1 |
OAL | 518 | BL | ?? | SL | ?? | SD | ?? |
- |
Navy musket M 1807, percussion musket M 1769-37 |
Socket bayonet Kyhl's locking spring, round arm and square blade ! The bayonet is first mentioned in 1802 when it is delivered with 250 rifles beeing repaired. Ref: [13] and [9] 1990 |
OAL | ?? | BL | ?? | SL | 96 | SD | 23 |
- |
Musket M 1807, M 1807-11 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with fullers, Kyhl's locking spring. Round shoulders. The bayonet is a shortened M 1794. Ref: [13] and [9] 1990 |
OAL | 529 | BL | 385 | SL | 96 | SD | 22.5/23,5 |
Kronborg |
Infantery musket M 1794-08 |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with fullers, Kyhl's locking spring. This is acrually a shortened M 1794. It differs from M/1822 as the socket is longer and the marking. According to a royal order of 20/12 1808 infantry rifle bayonets should from now on be shorter. |
OAL | 568 | BL | 465 | SL | 78 | SD | 22/23,5 |
23,626 M 1809 and M 1839 was overtaken after the rebellion in Schleswig-Holstein |
Prussian M 1809. |
Socket bayonet Have normally Danish stamps on either arm or socket. This model also exists with blade shortened. |
OAL | 520 | BL | 390 | SL | 92 | SD | 21,5/22 |
Kronborg, there was circa 16,900 M 1822-43 and M 1822-47 1848. |
Musket M 1822 , M 1822-43, M 1822-47. |
Socket bayonet With Kyhl's locking spring. Looks like M 1808 but with a shorter socket. |
OAL | ?? | BL | ?? | SL | ?? | SD | ?? |
Kronborg, 400 |
Skibsflinte (navy musket) M 1826 |
Socket bayonet
With Kyhl's locking spring. Only known from drawings. Delivered in two batches, 200 in 5th September 1826 and 200 in 17th July 1827 Ref:: [9] 1990 |
OAL | 500 | BL | 395 | SL | 73 | SD | 22,5 |
Kronborg, there was circa 15,000 M 1828 in 1848. |
Minié rifle M 1828, M 1828-43. |
Socket bayonet Kyhl's locking spring. Triangular blade with fullers, downward fullers start circa 15 mm from the shank. |
OAL | 665 | BL | 565 | SL | 65 | - | - |
Kronborg, 2,200 rifles was manufactured. |
NCO rifle M 1829. |
plug bayonet
'Socket bayonet' med fyrkantig tapp i stället för hylsa. It is recognized in that the arm is slightly in an angle towards the blade. The bayonets in the picture from left to right: M1852, M1851 och M1829 The bayonet is either carried with sabre M 1831 (Picture), with jaeger hirschfänger M 1801 or in a separate scabbard. |
OAL | 635 | BL | 532 | SL | 72 | SD | 22/22,7 |
7250 rifles was produced at Kronborg farctory up to 1842 |
musket M 1831, percussion rifle M 1831-44, pillar breech rifle M 1831-48, mm. |
Socket bayonet With Kyhl's locking spring, The blade has round shoulders like M 1828. It is only the blade length and markig that differs. The bayonet is browned for the Danish Vestindies. |
OAL | 518 | BL | ?? | SL | ?? | SD | ?? |
250 ?? |
percussion rifle M 1769-37. |
Socket bayonet
With Kyhl's locking spring round arm and square blade ! See M/1807 Söetaten. Ref: [9] 1990 |
OAL | 590 | BL | 520 | SL | 67 | SD | 21/22 |
Belgium, Liege ? Denmark, Kronborg |
pillar breech rifle M1848, M1848-66. |
Socket bayonet Triangular blade with fullers, zigzag slot, and median locking ring. Manufactured in Belgium and Denmark. There are 4 variations of the Danish made bayonets. |
OAL | 534 | BL | 470 | SL | 65 | SD | 21,5 |
20000 rifles w/bayonets was bought 19/12 1848 |
French musket M 1822, M 1822-48 bought in 1848. Was also used on carbine for royal engineers M 1853 and Minie rifle M 1861. |
Socket bayonet See French M 1822. Have normally Danisg markings on either arm or socket. |
OAL | 705 | BL | 570 | SL | - | SD | - |
- |
modified jaeger rifle M 1807. |
Hirschfanger bayonet In 1848 the jaeger rifle M1807 was modified by the rebellions of Schlesvig-Holstein. The bayonet was replaced by a Preussian bayonet M1810. This bayonet was never used in Denmark, but in 1869 it was modified to craftsmen sable `hantverkarsabel' M/1869 by removing locking device. |
OAL | 500 | BL | 410 | SL | 75 | SD | 22 |
202 bayonets |
Navy pillar breech rifle M 1849 |
Socket bayonet
The rifle was developed in cooperation between N.S Jessen (Gunsmith in the Navy) and Sea Armourer O.W.Michelsen. The bayonet has Kyhl's spring and a blade shape similar to M/1848. |
OAL | 615 | BL | - | SL | - | SD | - |
A.Francotte in Liege. Circa 50 was delivered |
pillar breech carbine M 1851-69 for the foot gendarmes. |
plug bayonet
The bayonet has a stud instead of a socket, like the M 1829. The bayonets were handed over to the border police when the Slesvig Gendarmeri was cancelled in 1865. |
OAL | 518 | BL | 410 | SL | 65 | SD | - |
L.Sauerbrey i Zella St.Blasii. Circa 325 was delivered. |
Pillar breech carbine M 1852 for the Holstein gendarmerie. |
plug bayonet
The bayonet has a stud instead of a socket, like the M 1829. |
OAL | 565 | BL | 490 | SL | 68 | SD | 21.5/22 |
Suhl, 12000 |
pillar breech rifle M 1854 ex Slesvig Holstein M 1849 |
Socket bayonet Kyhl's locking spring. |
OAL | 678 | BL | 558 | ||||
2,560 were bought from Liege 1850, 2540 was delivered to the Danish navy 7th Nov 1853 |
navy rifle M 1853-66 |
Hirschfanger bayonet Was originally boought by the Schlesvig-Holstein rebells in 1850. In late 1853 they were handed over to the Danish navy. |
OAL | 680 | BL | 553 | MRD | 18,2 | ||
Production Gebruder Weyersberg F. W. Holler, Solingen Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co, Solingen (from 1883) Alex. Coppel, Solingen, at least 4200 |
rifle M 1867 |
Sword bayonet Of the first order of 30000 bayonets was 25000 manufactured by Weyersberg and 5000 by Holler. Several orders were delivered. There are two variations, one is the more common model with external blade spring for the locking stud, and one variation has an internal spring for the locking stud. The modification with internal spring was decided in 27/5 1884, and all bayonet made after that date is of the second model. (Picture) (Picture) It was decided in 1885 that the locking stud was to be replaced by a stud made of steel instead of iron. 21250 bayonets had been modified in October 1885. The bayonet has a leather scabbard with a steel chape and mouthpice. There is a scabbard with frog stud instead of the normal Danish hook and a blunt chape. It is said it was issued to a volounteer corps during WW 1 (Picture) This is not verified ! There are trial models e.g. with steel scabbard, triangular blade (!) and blade with wider fuller. The bayonet was in servce until 1943 ! |
OAL | 410 | BL | 280 | MRD | 18.2 | ||
Production very few |
Weapon - |
Sword bayonet
During World War two some sword bayonets M1867 were shortened for guard duty. The work was done on the Navy station on Holmen. |
OAL | 350 | BL | 230 | MRD | - | ||
Production Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co, Solingen (the first years) Axel Coppel, Solingen Hærens Tøjhus Hærens Rustkammer HVV RKV |
Weapon rifle Krag Jörgensen M 1889 |
Knife bayonet Approved 7th October 1892. TManufactured with leather grips until 1892-93, from that year it had wooden grips. Please note that the correct designation is bayonet M/1889 regardless of grip material.. There are a couple of variations to this bayonet, the pommel is slightly shorter (and the grip longer) on one variation (Axel Coppel) (Picture). The scabbard appears to differ in the fastening of the chape and mouthpiece from the German and Danish made models. The German is fastened with a staple on the same side as the seam, the Danish has staples on both sides. Modified to knife in 1923, the lock was removed and the slot was filled. M 1923. (Picture) |
OAL | 690 | BL | 556 | MRD | 18,2 | ||
Production Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co, 1700 bayonets |
Weapon 8 mm navy rifle M 1867-93. |
Sword bayonet Grepplatta av trä (rutmönstrat) på fästets ena sida, fästanordning på andra sidan. Wooden grip (checkered) one one side of the hilt, locking mechanish on the other side. Normally stamped with crown over 95 or 96. (manufactured in 1895 or 1896). They were delivered with a leather scabbard with plated chape and mouthpiece. If the scabbards was replaced, a shortened M1882 scabbard was used. It has brass chape and mouthpiece ! |
OAL | 545 | BL | 415 | MRD | 16 | ||
Production Haerens Tøjhus |
Weapon artillry carbine M/1889 enginers carbine M/1889 infantry carbine M/1889. |
Sword bayonet Bayonet made from one piece of steel, T-shaped blade, Hilt to small to fit a `normal' hand. Wooden grips. The bayonet is found both blued with brown scabbard and polished with black scabbard. |
OAL | 335 | BL | 212 | MRD | 15,5 | ||
Production Eskilstuna Jernmanufactur AB Carl Gustaf Stads Gevärsfaktori E.A.Berg AB |
Weapon 6,5 mm rifle M/96 S 6,5 mm rifle M/38 S. |
Knife bayonet See Swedish m/1896 It is a short knife bayonet with steel hilt. The blade is single edged with a thin fuller. Scabbard is of steel. The hilt is of steel and tube shaped. It is hollow. When the bayonet is locked to the rifle, the ramrod is inserted into the bayonet hilt. The bayonet hilt and scabbard are blued, the blade is polished. The bayonet has a conical locking stud. The first years this bayonet was manufactured with a flat locking stud and was in a more brown color rather than blued. It is also said that it was made with a double edged blade in the beginning. Approved 15/10 1897 by General Order 1329. In the same GO was the bayonet locking device for rifle m/1896 approved (!). The Danish Brigade was issued with rifle m/96 and m/38 in Sweden, they were introduced to the Danish "Haer" in 1946. In 1945-50 Denmark received some 40.000 rifles and bayonets that was used by the army. The rifles were given to the home guard when rifle M/50 was introduced. In 1955 they were returned to Sweden. There are no bayonets with Danish markings known. |
OAL | 460 | BL | 332 | MRD | 15,5 | ||
Production Eskilstuna Jernmanufactur AB Carl Gustaf Stad |
Weapon 6,5 mm carbine M/1894 S |
Knife bayonet See Swedish m/1914. Knife bayonet with double edged blade without fullers. The hilt is of wood with steel pommel. Blued steel scabbard In Sweden this bayonet was used by mounted troops in the army, mainly the cavalry and at ceremonial guard duty. Mounted troops had a very special leather frog, to carry the bayonet in a 45 deg. angle. The earlier m/1914 bayonets has a scabbard that is more narrow towards the point (same scabbard as fm/1913) and a more rounded scabbard locking stud. The scabbards of the later bayonets are wider close to the point. 1.400 carbines with bayonets were delivered from Sweden in 1945. The planned used was for the Danish Brigade, but they arrived to late. It is not documented if the bayonets where actually used. There are no bayonets with Danish markings known. The carbines and bayonets were returned to Sweden in 1955. |
OAL | 380 | BL | 252 | MRD | - | ||
Production Several manufacturers |
Weapon Carbine M/98 k. |
Knife bayonet It is a German 98k bayonet S84/98. The bayonet was used in Denmark by the "Sjövärnet" when some of the men were armed with the german carbine (Karbin M/98 k). It was used until rifle M/50 was introduced. There are no bayonets with Danish markings known. |
OAL | 550 | BL | 428 | MRD | 15.5 | ||
Production Several manufacturers |
Weapon SMLE/Rifle No1. |
Sword bayonet The bayonet has no Danish designation. Is it not verified wether the bayonet was used in Denmark, but it is listed in "Navnfortegnelse og Prisliste for 7,7 mm Gevär M/45 E" from 1947. |
OAL | 255 | BL | 200 | SD | 15,5 | ||
Production Several manufacturers |
Weapon 7,7 mm rifle M/45 E. |
Socket bayonet This is an English bayonet No 4. There are 4 marks:
There are several scabbard types for this bayonet:
They were phased out when the "Gevär M/50" was introduced. Bilder från W.E. Storey collection via canadiansoldiers.com. |
OAL | 368 | BL | 250 | MRD | 15,8 | ||
Production FKF HTK |
Weapon rifle M1 Garand. |
Knife bayonet Danish version of US M 1, wood imitated scabbard,Danish web frog M/50. There are different markings on the scabbard, e.g. 'FKF 1955', 'FKF', 'HTK', 'HMAK'. The scabbard marked FKF 1955 is quite different. It is dark green and made of a different material. BThe scabbard also occurs painted black, for the The Royal Lifeguard. (Picture) |
OAL | 555 | BL | 443 | MRD | 15,5 | ||
Production 50000 was bought from Canada |
Weapon Remington U.S. M 1917. |
Knife bayonet Modified English M 1913 or US M 1917 with Danish web frog. The bayonets delivered were a mixture of British P1913 and US. M1917. They can be found with stamps from England, USA, Canada and Denmark (P1913) or USA, Canada and Denmark (M1917). |
OAL | 290 | BL | 170 | MRD | - | ||
Production 3000 bayonets delivered from Canada |
Weapon US Rifle M1 Garand |
Knife bayonet This is bayonet US M4. The bayonet was first carried in the original scabbard US M8A1 but later in the Danish scabbard M/62 Only used as knife in Denmark. |
OAL | 290 | BL | 170 | ||||
Production HTK |
Weapon US Rifle M1 Garand |
Knife bayonet This is a bayonet US M5. The scabbard M/62 looks like US M8A1 but with a Danish web frog. Only used as knife in Denmark. |
OAL | 305 | BL | 165 | MRD | 22 | ||
Production HMAK |
Weapon rifle M 75 (AG3) |
Knife bayonet Black plastic grips, black plastic scabbard (like late Swedish M 1965) with Danish web frog. There is also a leter variation with 'Alice hooks' and blued blade. It is also marked 'HMAK' but I have no further details.(Picture) |
OAL | 296 | BL | 166 | MRD | 22 | ||
Production Germany |
Weapon - |
Knife bayonet Bayonet US M7. It is only used by the Life Guard (HMG) and is carried in scabbard US M8A1 or M/75. The bottom scabbard on the picture is not used. |
OAL | ? | BL | ? | SL | ? | SD | ? |
- |
Cadet rifle M 1798 |
Socket bayonet
Information missing. |
OAL | - | BL | - | SL | - | SD | - |
- |
Cadet rifle M 1813. |
Socket bayonet Kyhl's locking spring. 40 rifles delivered to Bornholm in 1829 ? Details unknown. Ref: [8] 1987 no 4 |
OAL | 650 | BL | 530 | MRD | 19 | ||
Production A&E Höller, Solingen. Unmarked |
Weapon rifle association rifle M 1861 (Minié). |
Sword bayonet |
OAL | 650 | BL | 530 | MRD | 19 | ||
Production A&E Höller, Solingen. Unmarked |
Weapon rifle association rifle M 1861 (Minié) and M 1866 (Lovell) |
Sword bayonet |
OAL | 650 | BL | 550 | ||||
- |
exercise musket M 1774 |
Plug bayonet
For the exercise carbine 1774 new bayonets were made in 1848. (Maybe the designation should be M1848 ?) Like M/1829 but with a square blade. It is very heavy, over 0,56 Kg. |
This whole chapter will be dedicated to "Dansk Industri Syndikat, Compagni Madsen A/S" (DISA).
The whole chapter is under construction, and will be updated !!
OAL | 324 | BL | 210 | MRD | 15,5 | ||
Production DISA, 6500 rifles and bayonets was ordered. |
Weapon Bolt action rifle designed by Madsen. |
Knife bayonet In 1951 "Dansk Industri Syndikat, Compagni Madsen A/S" (DISA) introduced a bolt action rifle, "The Madsen Lightweight Military Rifle". To manufacture a bolt action rifle at this time when there still was a lot of surplus arms floating around, and semi automatic rifles were introduced, was likley to be a preordained failure. The rifle was never adopted in Denmark, and the export was no success. Only the Columbian armed forces bought 6500 rifles and bayonets, that was delivered in 1955 to 1958. The rifle is said to be designated M58 in Columbia, but it was probably never used. It was sold as surplus later, and most rifles and bayonets that show up now are in very good condition. The bayonet is marked with a 3,5 mm serial number on te ricasso. The first 5000 bayonets are marked with stamped numbers, the last 1500 are electro engraved. Bayonets without serial numers also exists. Some bayonets are also assembled from parts of the DISA warehouse. They can be identified by e.g. the locking stud is welded from two parts.(They are not numbered either) Neither the rifle nor the bayonet is designated M1947 ! That designation probably comes from the internal DISA product code B.47. |
OAL | 324 | BL | 210 | MRD | 15,5 | ||
Production DISA |
Weapon Madsen MP M/53 Mk II |
Knife bayonet For sub machine gun designed by Madsen. (Only for export) The distance from muzzlering to the grip is the only difference from the rifle bayonet. The distance is circa 4 mm. Will be updated !!! |
OAL | 210 | BL | 120 | ||||
Production DISA |
Weapon Madsen MP M/53 Mk II |
Knife bayonet Shall be updated !!! |
OAL | 508 | BL | 395 | SL | 74 | SD | 21,6/22 |
Kronborg, 144 new, 144, modified M 1828 |
16 lödig smothbore musket M 1842 designed by N.J Løbnitz. |
Socket bayonet Rifle designed by N.J Løbnitz. Triangular blade with downward fullers starting circa 15 mm from the shank. Kyhl's locking spring. Like M 1828. Stamped 'A - Tried but not accepted. |
OAL | 630 | BL | ? | SL | 72 | SD | ? |
Kronborg , 84 new, 84, modified M 1831 |
`16 lödig' rifled musket M 1841 designed by N.J Løbnitz. |
Socket bayonet Rifle designed by N.J Løbnitz. Triangular blade. Like M 1828. Kyhl's locking spring. Stamped 'A - Tried but not accepted. |
OAL | 765 | BL | 635 | MRD | 23,5 | ||
Production 33 rifles was made at Kronborg. Bayonet made at Fredriksverk (usually marked crowned 'F') |
Weapon NCO rifle M 1842 |
Sword bayonet Sword bayonet with brass hilt and leather scabbard. Designed by Løbnitz. The blade is the same as for jagerhirschfanger M1801. Bayonet marked 'A - |
OAL | 320 | BL | 190 | MRD | 19 | ||
Production - |
Weapon rifle M/1867. |
A number of foldable bayonets were tried in this time. This is foldable behind the cross guard. The scabbard has a base plate and can be used as monopod in folded position. There are at least two versions;
OAL | 520 | BL | 400 | MRD | 18 | ||
Production Weyersberg, Solingen 220 were ordered in May 1883. |
Weapon gevär M1867 |
Hilt looks like M 1874 (Gras). Blade is double edged, and has a fuller on one side.
Hilt and guard is made of steel. Guard is fastened with two rivets.
The grips are made from pressed leather. Lockin stud with internal coil. Steel scabbard. The bayonets were ordered from Weyersberg as trials with a shorter bayonets should be performed. The bayonets were delivered in August 1883, and were issued to two companies in the 21st battalion. In 1884 they were issued to the 24th battalion. The trials ended in 1885 because a new rifle model was planned. |
OAL | 548 | BL | 431 | MRD | 15 | ||
Production Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co, Solingen, 160 were manufactured. |
Weapon Remington-Lee (.315 cal), "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I" and "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær II" |
Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I The rifle that is based on the Lee system with caliber 8 mm is manufactured by "Köpenhamns Töjhus". 520 rifles were made. Two bayonets were tried for this rifle; a sword bayonet (cruciform blade) and a knife bayonet. Both models were made by Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co, Solingen. 160 sword bayonets and 320 knife bayonets were manufactured. The knife bayonet was during 1st World War issued to the "Westenholz Forsvarskorps" and was used as an officers side arm "befaldningsmandsvaaben" at the volunteer corps. Trials were initiated in April 1887 at the 3rd company of the 23rd infantry battalion. The trials continued until October but was a failure with several errors on the repeater mechanism. The bayonets was not a success either, the battalion preferred a knife bayonet of the same length as the sword bayonet. In spite of this 125 rifles were delivered to the servicemen of the 23rd battalion from November to October 1888, and the experience was that they worked fine without any real issues. Dansk førsøksrepetergevær II , 1886-87 The rifle is a predecessor to the later approved rifle M1889. It is based on the design of Captain Krag and rifle maker Jørgensen from Kongsberg (Norway) The rifle has a round magazine for 9-10 cartridges, Jarmann's mechanism and a Norwegian barrel of 10,15 mm caliber. It was soon changed to a smaller magazine and 8 mm caliber. The trials that started in August 1887 with 6 rifles at the 23rd battalion was successful, and further trials were recommended. 50 more rifles were ordered from Kongsberg rifle factory for delivery in January. The rifle was called the "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær II". The same trial bayonets that were used for "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I" was used for this rifle. Reference [14] - [17] |
OAL | 418 | BL | 301 | MRD | 15 | ||
Production Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co, Solingen, 320 were manufactured |
Weapon Remington-Lee (.315 cal), "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I" and "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær II" |
Knife bayonet
See M 1886 Kårdebajonett |
OAL | 303 | BL | 185 | ||||
Production just a couple |
Weapon "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret", 1888 |
Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret, 1888 The trials with "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I" in 1887 was not a great success, but it was not really a problem with the design of Lee. 50 rifles should now be modified, and the big change was that they should be half stocked. This modified rifle is called "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret" The modification implies that the earlier trial bayonet cannot be used anymore, and a new model has to be developed. On a meeting the 19th November 1887 V.H.O Madsen suggested that the bayonet should made as light as possible. On the 10th Mars 1888 an experimental model based on the design of captain Meyer's was presented. According to an accompanying document the bayonet should be used also when the rifles were coupled in a pyramid. This means that is has a quillon. The bayonet exists in two models, one with the edge upwards and one with the edge downwards. One bayonet was sold the 17th April 1968 at VHS auction for 200 DKK (Lot 252) [14]. There are small differences on the 2 bayonets with the edge downwards that has been studied. In the summer of 1888 the rifles would have been tested, but the rifle committe recommended the Krag-Jörgenssen's fixed magazine, so "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret" was not even tested. It is very likely that this bayonet was only made in a couple of project models. Reference [14] - [17] |
OAL | ? | BL | ? | ||||
Production ? |
Weapon Probably for "“Dansk forsøgs-rekylgevær model 1888” |
Knife bayonet
The bayonet looks like the bayonet for "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret" but witout quillon. Dansk Forsøgsrekylgevær, 1888 "Dansk forsøgs-rekylgevær model 1888" was a semi automatic repeating rifle designed by V.H.O Madsen and armourer Rasmussen. 50 rifles were produced, and they were tested at 8th and 22nd battalion late summer 1888. It was however considered not yet ready as a general weapon. The rifles had originally a folding bayonet, but as it was not possible to stack the bayonets as a pyramid, it was suggested that the experimental bayonet for "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret". The recoil rifles were however manufactured with coupling hooks, which eliminated the need of a quillon on the bayonet. Only a few of the rifles at the Töjhusmuseum has a bayonet lug, the rest has the folding bayonet. We don't know what bayonet is was made for. Dansk førsøksrepetergevær II , 1886-87 The 50 trial rifles "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær II" were modified to compensate for the heat from the barrel. on 25 rifles the stock was shortened and on the remaining 25 a slot was opened in the stock. The half stocked rifles (25) now needed new trial bayonets. As the riles had coupling hooks, they were not needed on the bayonet, and a new model was developed. The bayonet looks like the bayonet for "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret" but does not have the hook. The bayonet was made in two models, one with the edge upwards and one with the edge downwards. The scabbard is made of leather with a strap locking the bayonet. A serial number is stamped on the bayonet. The bayonets and scabbards were to weak, and most broke during the trials. Reference [14] - [17] |
OAL | ? | BL | ? | ||||
Production 50 |
Weapon Madsen/Rasmussens recoilrifle “Dansk forsøgs-rekylgevær model 1888” |
The blade looks like M 1889. The folding bayonet is permanently mounted under the barrel. Dansk Forsøgsrekylgevær, 1888 "Dansk forsøgs-rekylgevær model 1888" was a semi automatic repeating rifle designed by V.H.O Madsen and armourer Rasmussen. 50 rifles were produced, and they were tested at 8th and 22nd battalion late summer 1888. It was however considered not yet ready as a general weapon. The rifles had originally a folding bayonet, but as it was not possible to stack the bayonets as a pyramid, it was suggested that the experimental bayonet for "Dansk førsøksrepetergevær I modificeret". The recoil rifles were however manufactured with coupling hooks, which eliminated the need of a quillon on the bayonet. Only a few of the rifles at the Töjhusmuseum has a bayonet lug, the rest has the folding bayonet. We don't know what bayonet is was made for. Reference [14] - [17] |
OAL | 555 | BL | 453 | MRD | 14 | ||
Production Haerens Tøjhus, only 2 bayonets made |
Weapon Trial for Krag Jörgensen rifle M 1889. |
The steel part at the back of the hils if 'thinner', only some millimeter. The muzzle ring is aligned with the guard and the blade. |
OAL | 560 | BL | 450 | MRD | 14 | ||
Production Haerens Tøjhus |
Weapon Trial for Krag Jörgensen rifle M 1889. |
The steel part at the back of the hilt is 'thinner', only some millimeter. The muzzle ring is not aligned with the guard and the blade (looks like the ordinary M 1915). These bayonets were initially issued to the Life Guard ("Lifgardet"), but after M/1915 was approved these were still being used. |
OAL | 545 | BL | 415 | ||||
Production few |
Weapon Madsen automatic rifle M1917 and rifle designed by Bang. |
Like M 1915, but without muzzle ring. Steel scabbard with bayonet stud. The scabbard is attached to the rifle, and the bayonet is mounted on the scabbard. Design by Sören Hansen Bang. |
OAL | 370 | BL | 230 | MRD | 22 | ||
Production HMAK |
Weapon gevär M 75 (AG3) |
Knife bayonet Som M 1975 men längre klinga. Klingan blank. Baljan av tysk tillverkning, ej dansk bäranordning. balja av typ M8A1. Detta är egentligen ingen försöksbajonett, men jag vet inte var jag ska placera den.... Då Danmark skulle beställa bajonetter till AG3 önskade Livgardet en egen modell, som man samtidigt önskade en prisuppgift på. Fabriken tillverkade ett antal långa bajonetter samtidigt med de 'vanliga', men de långa beställdes aldrig. Dessa såldes senare av FrankoniaJagd. |
OAL | 290 | BL | 165 | ||||
Production Glock |
Weapon - |
Knife Field knife manufactured by Glock (original designation FM 78, "Feld Messer") The knife is black with a parkerized blade. The knife is easy to identify; it is marked with "DANMARK M/96" on the blade and scabbard. |
Referenser | |
[1] | Svevap, "Bajonetten då till nu", 1976 |
[2] | Frans Lövshall Möller, TH. "Den Nye Th. Möller", 1998 |
[3] | Schöön, Björn. "Bayonets, Bajonetter, Bajonette", 1986 |
[4] | Kiesling, Paul, "Bayonets of the world" |
[5] |
von Schreber, Tor Schreber, "Karolinska bajonetter och deras föregångare på kontinenten"
"Föreningens armémusei vänner Meddelande IV ", 1941 |
[6] | von Goës, Nils, "Söderhamns gevärsfaktori 1620 - 1813", 1988 |
[7] | Janzen, Jerry L, "Bayonets of the Remington cartridge period", 1993 |
[8] | Evans, R.D.C. Articles in e.g. Vaabenhistorik Selskaps tidskrift. |
[9] | Alm, Josef. Eldhandvapen I och II |
[10] | Alm, Josef. Arméns eldhandvapen förr och nu |
[11] | Alm, Josef. Flottans handvapen |
[12] | Lissmark, Bengt. "Svenska bajonetter 1696 - 1965", 1973 |
[13] | Frans Lövshall "Danske bajonetter & knive 1945 - 2005", 2006 |
[14] | Våbenhistorisk tidskrift, Bind 1, Nr 2, 1968 |
[15] | Våbenhistorisk tidskrift, Bind 10, Nr 5, 1977 |
[16] | Vaabenhistoriske aarbøger XXXVI 1990, Indførelse af det danske gevaer 1889, Bjørn A Nielsen. |
[17] | Vaabenhistoriske aarbøger XXXVI 2008, Den danske haers rekylgevär, Bjørn A Nielsen. |