Swedish bayonets

© Per Holmbäck
Updated 2025-03-12


OAL 790 BL 580 - - - -
AM.030748 AM.030748 AM.030748 AM.030748

Plug bayonet.
The bayonet has a wooden handle with a spring catch.
3000 blades were delivered from `Wira bruk'. This model was cancelled before the delivery of the blades was completed.
The existing bayonets at the Swedish arms museum is probably the only ones made. They do not fit any musket.

m/1696 single edged blade

OAL 655 BL 562 SL 53 SD 24
Arboga faktori ca 580
Flintlock musket m/1696
The bayonet is single edged blade with a short socket, zigzag slot and a locking bolt.
The General armourer Johan Siöblad designed the bayonet, that was approved in 18th May 1696.
From 1697 they were made with a single edged blade.
Johan Erhenpreus (Arboga faktori) was contracted for 530 single edged and 817 double-edged bayonets. (the blades delivered from `Wira bruk' ,see below)

m/1696 double edged blade

OAL 750 BL 702 SL 48 SD 30
Arboga faktori ca 1055
Stockholm ca 400
Flintlock musket m/1696
AM.023491 AM.023491 AM.030755

Socket bayonet.
Double edged blade, locking bolt, and zigzag slot.
Approved 18/5 1696
3000 sword blades were delivered in 1696 from `Wira bruk', to be used for plug bayonet (see m/1692). They were modified to m/1696 instead.
The production ended in 1699, with exception of the modification of the double edged blades. 400 of the original order of double-edged bayonets were manufactured in Stockholm.
1696 is the first time bayonets are mentioned in the books of Stockholm Armoury

Number of m/1696 delivered from Arboga faktori.
Year Single edged Double edged
1696 2 -
1697 348 410
1698 64 204
1699 170 441
Sum 584 1055


OAL 685 BL 575 SL 40 SD 26
Örebro faktori
Jönköping faktori
Norrköping faktori
Flintlock musket m/1699
AM.023497 AM.023497

Socket bayonet.
The bayonet has a single edged blade and it has a stud (`Hållare') welded to the socket. See the figure below.
Approved 26/4 1699
The design was probably made by general armourer Johan Siöblad and gunsmith Peter Starbus together.


Number of m/1699 ordered from the factories. Actual number delivered bayonets was probably lower.
Year Örebro Jönköping Norrköping Ronneby
1699 1080 630 120 -
1700 2000 1200 600 -
1701 1500 1500 600 300
Sum 4580 3330 1320 300


OAL 780 BL - SL 45 SD 26
Flintlock musket m/1701
Flintlock musket m/1701 dragoon
Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
This is a very strange design, where the previously successful concept was abandoned.
The bayonet looks like the m/1696 with a very short socket but with a short straight slot and a locking bolt on the socket. The blade is single-edged.

This bayonet was designed by war minister Ludvig Fahlström, who obviously must have had other qualities than designing bayonets.
This model was not appreciated by king Carl XII and was later cancelled.

War minister Fahlström was behind several quite innovative bayonet designs in this period.

Number of m/1699 ordered from the factories. Actual number delivered bayonets was probably lower.
Year Örebro Söderhamn Jönköping Norrköping Ronneby Wira Stockholm
1702 2000 infanteri
1000 dragoon
2000 2000 infanteri
1000 dragoon
600 600 - -
1703 1500 - - - - 8000 -
1704 - - - - - - 8000
Sum> 3500 2000 3000 600 600 8000 8000


OAL 720 BL 625 SL 83 SD 26
Flintlock musket m/1704
Flintlock musket m/1704-89 alteration for the navy
Picture Picture Hylsa

Socket bayonet.

The bayonet of 1704 has a socket with no slot and a stud to hold the locking bolt.
The blade is flat and single edged. The stud is soldered to the socket.
The bayonet looks like the m/1699 but the socket is longer, and will be the basic bayonet model for the next 40 years.

In 1704 was the old concept with a stud on the socket reintroduced by armourer Sjiöblad. He had returned after a couple of years of foreign duty, and had to revert the designs done by Fahlström in his absence.
The new bayonet is approved 16th June (or 13st May ?) 1705.

Number of bayonets ordered from the factories. The delivered number is lower, but we lack information here.
Year Örebro Jönköping Norrköping Wira Stockholm Graninge
1705 - - - - 12000 -
1706 4500 - - 6000 - -
1707 4500 - - 6000 - -
1708 3600 - - 8700 - -
1709 3600 4800 1300 4200 - 716 ?
1710 3600 3600 1000 2100 - -
1711 4100 5500 - 4300 - -
1712 4600 5700 - 3000 - -
1713 4600 5700 - 3000 - -
1714 5450 8200 - 3000 - -
1715 6000 8500 - 6300 - -
1716 8000 5500 - 2000 - -
Summa 52550 47500 2300 48600 12000 716
From 1717 most bayonets was manucfactured at Jönköping Factory


OAL 715 BL 625 SL 80 SD 28,5
Flintlock musket m/1716
Flintlock musket m/1716 for the dragoons
Picture Hylsa

Socket bayonet
It looks like the m/1704 but the stud is welded to the socket in stead. It has a is flat, single edged blade.
The distance from the blade to the socket is larger on the m/1716 and the blade is wider on the m/1704.

Here is the difference between the m/1716 (left) and m/1704 (right).

The bayonet was approved in 6/8 1716 .

Modifications and variations:

Number of bayonets ordered from the factories.
Year Örebro Jönköping Wira
1717 3000 9000 4800 (1)
1718 ? 11000 -
1719 - 7000 -
1720 - 3000 -
1721 - ? -
Sum 3000 30000 4800
(1) These 4800 bayonets should have been ordered from Jönköping, but Vira got the order instead. They were for muskets made in Norrköping, Ronneby och Söderhamn.

From 1717 most bayonets was manucfactured at Jönköping Factory

m/1717 livskvadronen

OAL 706 BL 620 SL 87 SD 25
Jönköpings faktori, 400
Örebro faktorier, 400
Flintlock musket m/1717 for livskvadronen
AM.023507 AM.023507

Socket bayonet.
This bayonet looks very much like the m/1716 bayonet but the point is more `triangular'. It has a flat, single-edged blade and a socket with the locking bolt on a stud.
The Life Squadron was a part of the Garde du Corps that only existed a few years. The history of the Garde du Corps starts as the life guard of King Gustav Wasa in the 16th century, and in 1699 His Majesty’s Garde du Corps became an independent unit. It was however under the command of King Carl XII they became the famous and feared Garde du Corps (“drabantkår”).
The Corps never exceeded 200 men, and men in the unit had the rank of an officer. The commander of the Corps had the title Leuitenant Captain (“kaptenlöjtnant”) but the rank of Major General.
When King Carl XII returned returned from the disaster in Poltava, his Garde du Corps was reduced to only a few men. In an attempt to recreate the elite unit he set up the “Life Squadron” (“Livkvadronen”) which was subordinated to the Garde du Corps. The Life Squadron consisted of less than 400 men and officers. Their commanding officer was Leuitenant Captain Carl Gustaf Hård from the Garde du Corps. In 16th Decemebr 1716 the Life Squadron was formed.
They were armed with the highest quality weapons of the time, and i.e. 400 muskets were ordered from both Jönköping and Örebro factories, so the unit could select the best ! The other 400 were stored. The muskets and bayonets were approved in 28th of May 1717.
The Life Squadron was dissolved in 1720, and one of the last assignements was at King Carl XII’s funeral procession.

m/1725, m/1727, m/1731

OAL 705-725 BL 625 SL 82 SD 24
Jönköpings faktori
Flintlock musket m/1725
Flintlock musket m/1725-89
Flintlock musket m/1725-1803
Flintlock musket m/1725-1805
Flintlock musket m/1727 for the dragoons
Flintlock musket m/1731
Flintlock musket m/1731 for the dragoons
Socket bayonet.
This is very likely the same bayonet as m/1716.
Modifications and variations:
  • 1789 (förändringsmodell), mounted on the right side of the barrel. Modification unknown to me..
  • 1791 (reparationsmodell), zigzag slot and locking bolt like m/1791 (right side mounting). m/1725-91.
  • 1803 (förändringsmodell), mounted on the right side of the barrel. The stud (hållare) was removed and a locking bolt was attached to the socket.

m/1738 Infantry

OAL 710 BL 560 SL 98 SD 25
Jönköpings faktori
Flintlock musket m/1738
Flintlock musket m/1738-91 alteration
Flintlock musket m/1747 (Savolax light infantry regiment)
Flintlock musket m/1704-89 alteration for the navy
Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
Single edged blade, double edged at the point, locking bolt, collar at the end of the socket, zigzag slot.
To be mounted at the left of the barrel.
The first bayonet where the socket and the blade were connected with a shank..
Modifications and variations:
  • 1791 (reparationsmodell) zigzag slot and locking bolt like m/1791 (right side mounting). m/1738-91. (1805 common repair model (reparationsmodell))
  • 1799 (förändringsmodell), straight slot and locking bolt like m/1799 (right side mounting). m/1738-99.

m/1738 dragoon

OAL 580 BL 485 SL 98 SD 25,5
Jönköpings faktori
Flintlock musket m/1738 for the dragoons
Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
Looks like m/1738 but it is shorter.


OAL 710 BL 565 SL 88 SD 24,5
Wira Bruk and others
Flintlock musket m/1747
Flintlock musket m/1747-89 (altered)
Flintlock musket m/1747-1805 (altered)
Flintlock musket m/1738 Dragoons (Bohusläns dragoner)
Flintlock musket m/1770 Kajana company
Flintlock musket m/1778 for the artillery
Flintlock musket m/1831 navy trial model
Flintlock musket m/1833 navy trial model
Flintlock musket m/1815-45 navy alteration
Picture Picture Picture Klingor

Socket bayonet.
The bayonet of 1747 was the first with a triangular blade. Typical of bayonets from the time is the guard on the blade base and the socket with a collar, that can be found on bayonets from many other countries. One of the purposes of the guard is to give support for the scabbard.
The socket has a butterfly locking bolt behind the shank and a zig-zag slot. The arm has a square cross section and the arm is triangular with a flat inner side. The bayonet shall be mounted at the left side of the barrel. It was approved in 1748.
Both musket and bayonet m/1747 was manufactured in many examples,and can be found in many manufacturing variations (e.g. blade witdh, thickness of the arm).

There are many modifications/variations of this bayonet:
  • 1789 (alteration), to be mounted on the right side of the barrel. The original zigzag slot was filled.
    Picture Picture
  • 1805 common repair model (alteration), zigzag slot and locking bolt like m/1791 (right side mounting).
  • 1805 common repair model (alteration), straight slot and locking bolt like m/1799 (right side mounting).
    Picture Picture Picture
  • Variation with locking ring and straight slot. To be mounted on the right side of the barrel.
    Se m/1833 navy alteration
    Picture Picture Picture
  • Variation with shorter socket and locking ring just like m/1840. Found browned and in full length
    Picture Picture
  • Socket is shortened to about 53 mm and 21,5 mm diameter. The blade is about 405 mm and blunt.

Bayonet issued to "Westgöta Cavalleriregemente"

OAL 600 BL 465 SL 94 SD 26
Flintlock musket m/1738 for dragoons
Bild Bild Bild Bild Bild

Socket bayonet.
In 1749 the dragoon musket m/1738 with "three edged bayonets" were issued to "Westgöta Cavallerie Regemente" and "Bohusläns Dragonregemente". (Alm, 1953).
It was assumed that the bayonet was m/1747, but it was not.
This bayonet looks like m/1747 but is is shorter and the blade is wider.
No model/designation has been found yet.

m/1761 Rifle with octagonal barrel

OAL 680 BL 575 SL 40 SD 26
300 (incl round socket) Jönköpings faktori
Rifle m/1761 with octagonal barrel
Picture Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
Octagonal socket, locking bolt under the shank, No slot., triangular blade with flat inner side
300 muskets and bayonets was ordered from Jönköping arsenal for the jaeger regiments in Pommern.

m/1761 Rifle with round barrel

OAL 480 BL - SL - SD -
300 (incl octagonal socket) Jönköpings faktori
Flintlock rifle m/1761 with round barrel
AM.024815 AM.024815

Socket bayonet.
Round socket, zigzag slot, no collar on the socket, (like m/1762), and triangular blade with flat inner side.
To be mounted at the left of the barrel.


OAL 710 BL 555 SL 88 SD 24,3
Jönköpings faktori
Flintlock musket m/1762
Flintlock musket m/1762-1803
Flintlock musket m/1762-1805
Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
This bayonet is characterized by the round arm and the guard on the blade.
It is the only bayonet of the period with a round arm, except for a few other rare models. The bayonet has a zigzag slot, a locking bolt behind the shank and no collar on the socket. The blade is triangular with fullers and a guard.
The scabbard is made of leather with an internal steel chape and a steel frog hook.
All models from now on are mounted on the right side of the barrel.

There are many modifications/variations of this bayonet:

m/1774 dragoon

OAL 515 BL 425 SL 88 SD 20
Flintlock musket m/1774 for the dragoons
AM.023533 AM.023533

Socket bayonet.
Single edged blade, zigzag slot, and collar on the socket. Mounted at the right of the barrel , edge downwards.
It has a very odd mounting mechanism.


OAL 710 BL 565 SL 88 SD 24
Jönköping mm
Flintlock musket m/1775
Flintlock musket m/1775-1803
Flintlock musket m/1808 (altered m/1775-1805)
Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.

Triangular blade with fuller, angular shank, outer side rounded, collar on the socket, zigzag slot.
All bayonets were browned from this model onward.
Modifications and variations:
  • This bayonet can be found without basal collar on the socket.
    The fuller starts circa 90 mm from the shoulders on this variation. Picture

m/1778 Artillery rifle

OAL 570 BL 420 SL 88 SD 24
mm ?
Flintlock musket m/1778 for the artillery, calibre 20 mm

Socket bayonet.
Socket as m/1747 but triangular blade with fuller.

m/1778 Dragoon rifle

OAL 525 BL - SL 85 SD -
Flintlock musket m/1778 for the dragoons
AM.030785 AM.030785 AM.030785

Socket bayonet.
This bayonet looks just like m/1774 dragoon bayonet but it is shorter
It has a very odd mounting mechanism.

m/1778 shortened Dragoon rifle

OAL 515 BL 360 SL 88 SD 19,5
Flintlock musket m/1778 for the dragoons
Picture Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet
Socket with zigzag slot and locking bolt under the arm. The arm is round and the blade is single-edged with a wedge-shaped cross-section and a guard.


OAL 780 BL 660 MRD -
Flintlock rifle m/1793, for "Savolax fotjägarregemente"
AM.024805 AM.024805 AM.024805 AM.024805
AM.025053 AM.025053

Sword bayonet.
The first sword bayonet approved in Sweden. Single edged blade. Hilt made in brass. Octagonal muzzle ring with locking bolt.
Designed by colonel Jägerhorn for Savolax and karelia jaegers.
In a royal order of 27/4 1803 the sword bayonets should be cancelled, but in Savolax jaeger regiment they remained until at least 1806.


OAL 580 BL 445 SL 98 SD 24
Flintlock musket m/1796 for the dragoons
AM.030791 AM.030791 AM.030791

Socket bayonet. For "Livregementsbrigadens husarkår."
Zigzag slot, collar on the socket, locking bolt, angular shank.
Single edged blade. To be mounted at the left of the barrel, with the edge upwards.


OAL 715 BL 575 SL 79 SD 23,8
Jönköpings faktori
Flintlock musket m/1799 for the infantry

Socket bayonet.
Triangular blade with fullers, slot with locking bolt at the side of the socket

Modifications and variations:
  • Modification with locking ring and straight slot. Right side mounting of the barrel.

Bayonets delivered from the factories (Wira: Blades)
Year Wira
1791 214
1792 83
1793 720
1794 548
1795 176
1796 414
1797 1
1798 -
1799 3
1800 124

1803 alteration

To be updated

1805 alteration

To be updated

m/1826 socket bayonet

OAL 695 BL 575 SL 64 SD 23,5
Flintlock musket m/1815-26 for the infantry jaegers
Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
Like m/1815 but the blade is longer, arm is square. looks like m/1815-20 but somewhat longer.
In royal letter of 4/5 1838 it was requested that the jaeger regiments should keep m/1815-26.
According to Royal letters of 17/1 and 7/3 1854, 2000 - 3000 rifles of m/1815-26 should be submitted to the navy.

m/1826 sword bayonet

OAL 735 BL - MRD -
Flintlock rifle m/1826, infantery jaegers, Calibre (kal): 18.55 mm
AM.023558 AM.023558 AM.023558 AM.023558

Sword bayonet.
For jaeger rifle m/1826 and m/1826-38, for the jaeger regiments (`fältjägare').
Hilt of brass with crossguard of iron. Blade from cavalry pallasch m/1773 or m/1775

m/1833 Navy

OAL 590
BL 440
SL 88 SD 24,5
Percussion rifle m/1833 navy alteration.
Picture Picture Picture

Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet
In 1826 trials were ordered for "percussion use on navy weapons" ("slagkrutets användning å flottans vapen").
In 1831-32 trials were done in a larger scale and in 1833 the model m/1833 was approved. m/1833 is a conversion of older flintlock rifles to perussion rifles.
The conversion was not done until 1846 according to J Alm.
Bayonets m/1747 and m/1762 are shortened to about 600 mm length and they have a short straight slot with a basal locking ring.
On bayonet m/1747 the old mortize was kept open on the other side of the socket !


OAL 660 BL 575 SL 67 SD 22,4
Carl Gustaf Stads Gevärsfaktori
Norrtälje (ovanlig !)
Circa 10,000 were made [4]
Percussion musket m/1840
Percussion musket m/1845
Minié percussion rifle m/1854

Socket bayonet.
After 1850 the year was stamped on the ricasso. (1850 inspection orders).
Bayonets with the year stamped on the ricasso are probably made for the musket m/1845. There are no other differences to the bayonet.

m/1845 Navy

OAL 564 BL 480 SL 66 SD 22,7
Carl Gustaf Stads Gevärsfaktori
Percussion musket m/1845 for the navy
Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.
Round shank, Socket and shank is browned, the blade polished. It looks like m/1840, but shorter.
The locking ring is slightly different from the infantery model..

m/1851 Navy

OAL 560 BL 485 SL 67 SD 20
Carl Gustaf Stads Gevärsfaktori
Huskvarna (?)
Malherbe (Liege, Belgien)
Percussion chamber loading rifle m/1851 for the navy
Picture Picture Picture

Socket bayonet.

It is only märkningen that differs the Belgian made bayonet from the Swedish made.

The m/1851 rifles and bayonets were delivered in a few batches:
  • The first batch was quite small. The year of the contract and the number of bayonets are unknown.
  • 1853-54 This is the largest contract. The number of bayonets are unknown
  • 1863 This was also a quite small delivery. A very limited number of bayonets were delivered
  • 1864 Bayonets marked 1864 are known. Very limited number.
Bayonets manufactured by Huskvarna are probably not marked with the contract year on the blade.


OAL 605 BL 538 SL 69 SD 21
Malherbe (Liege Belgien).
5000 for the army, 4000 (unsure) for the navy.
Minié percussion rifle m/1855
Minié percussion rifle m/1855 navy
Minié percussion rifle m/1856
Socket bayonet

m/1826-54 Navy

OAL 565 BL 538 SL 64 SD 23,3
Percission musket m/1815-26 modified for the navy.

Socket bayonet
This is a shortened m/1815-26 bayonet. It has a straight slot and basal locking ring.
The blade is triangular with fullers and round shoulders. The bayonet gives a “heavy” impression.
The scabbard is made of leather with an internal steel chape and a steel frog hook
According to Royal letters of 17th January and 7th Mars 1854, 2000 - 3000 rifles m/1815-26 should be submitted to the Navy.
I believe that the bayonet m/1826 was shortened and browned


OAL 605 BL 538 SL 66 SD 21
Husqvarna, ca 2000 bayonets
Minié-percussion rifle m/1856
Socket bayonet

Like m/1855 but made in Sweden. Small differences e.g. the bridge.


OAL 660 BL 595 SL 66 SD 20,6
Carl Gustaf Stad
Minié percussion rifle m/1857

Socket bayonet
Looks like m/1860 but with a bigger socket diameter and a different bridge.