Unknown bayonets and tentative designations.
In this section unknown bayonets, or bayonets with a tentative designation, will be presented. Bayonets are identified by e.g. a marking combined with refence in litterature or by a picture from a museum, not nessecarily correct..
Any information is greatly appreciated, and will probably be published with the bayonet.
Unknown m/1775 alike Swedish socket bayonet updated 2021-03-25 |
Unknown ca 1815 Swedish socket bayonet updated 2021-03-25 |
Bayonet issued to "Westgöta Cavalleriregemente"/Tentative updated 2016-11-22 |
Bayonet altered for "Skeppsgossekåren"/Tentative updated 2016-11-22 |
m/1747 alteration with locking ring updated 2016-11-22 |